Construction Site Injuries
Houston Work Injury Lawyer
As Texas continues to grow, people continue to move here from all over the country looking for great paying jobs and a safe place to raise their families. With the growth of population, comes the demand for construction of roads, communities, office buildings and housing. Sometimes, growth can come with a cost.
By its very nature, the construction site can be hazardous to workers when safety rules are not implemented, enforced or just simply ignored. The demands to meet construction deadlines and the stresses that can be caused by weather delays or money shortages can often lead to companies taking shortcuts on safety, hiring unqualified personnel or, working with faulty or malfunctioning tools and equipment. Whether you are working construction on an office building, road construction, or construction of a residence or other housing facility, there are very specific safety rules that must be followed in order to reduce the risk of injury to workers. When companies think with their pockets first and compromise safety or use failing equipment, workers can be seriously injured or killed. Injured workers and their families can be left wondering how they will pay for growing medical bills, lost wages or, whether the injured individual will ever be able to work again. These are all concerns our firm focuses on when representing injured Texan workers.
How Would you Determine Who Is Responsible for Your Injury?
For an injured worker on a construction site, it’s not always so easy to figure who could be responsible to pay for causing an injury. It could be your employer, it could be the contractor that sub-contracted work to your employer or, it could be the general contractor that is in control of the site. It could even be you, the injured worker. Determining who could be responsible for construction accidents will often turn on the legal documents that were used when the construction project was first being negotiated. Therefore, it very common to need to file a lawsuit in order to figure whether there is coverage for a serious job site injury.
Injuries occur all the time on construction sites. Unfortunately, companies have figure ways to avoid responsibility even when the incidents result in serious injuries and death. Injured workers and their families are very often left without and recourse. This is why you need a construction accident lawyer to dissect the contracts and insurance policies to figure out a way to get coverage for your work injury.
Injured on the job?
If you’ve been injured on the job and you don’t know whether the company, the general contractor or another contractor on the job site could be held responsible for your injury, call Houston Work Injury Lawyer Hector L. Sandoval and get the representation that you deserve! Sandoval Law Firm, PLLC helps injured workers. Call (346) 347-7777 for a free and informative consultation!