What I’ve learned in my 20-year Career as a Texas Work Injury Lawyer!
First and foremost, I’ve learned to be grateful for every day that I have been given to be on this earth and to be doing what I am doing. I am grateful to all my teachers, professors, colleagues, family and friends for all the words of encouragement, support and love provided along the journey. I am grateful for the unconditional support and strength from my wife and kids. This truly helps make it happen! I am also grateful for growing up in a place of adversity. A place where you could learn to appreciate any and every opportunity that came your way. You either went for it or you didn’t. I am grateful for the City of Houston, State of Texas and the United States for freedoms and opportunities that we are able to enjoy and the dreams that were are able to chase and make a reality. Also, I am grateful for the struggle, the failures, the grief, the setbacks, the delay, the abrupt changes, and the let downs. They build character and keep me humble. I am grateful for this journey.
The Work We do: Representing Injured Workers!
After 20 years of representing injured railroad workers all over the country and injured non-subscriber workers here in Texas, I’ve learned that the most important service you can offer as a lawyer is an opportunity for that injured worker to get their life back and to once again be able to live with dignity and respect.
As a lawyer, you always face opponents that appear to believe that the best defense is an extreme one. One that claims that we (the employer) had zero to do with causing the injury! Unfortunately, that defense is never practical or realistic. It has been my job to make the other side see that what happened was no accident, was not my client’s fault and could have been prevented if safety practices had been in place and been followed and enforced. Usually, that means that an extreme defense like claiming no fault at all, becomes obviously impractical. To do this, I’ve had to really understand my clients’ way of life, the job they were doing, the tools that they were working with and the training that they received. Once I put myself in my client’s position, it becomes very apparent what went wrong. It’s this ability to get back to a time when I was working in a shop and out in the field that enables me to do a better job as a work injury lawyer. It’s the ability to take my customer service experience and incorporate it into the law practice. We are a service industry after all! This is how we serve our clients better every time!
Cheers to Another 20 Years!
I look forward to continuing to represent injured workers all over the State of Texas for another 20 years. As a lawyer representing injured Texans, I look forward to continuing to fight for those individuals who may not understand how Texas work injury law works. There’s no doubt that it can be difficult to navigate the law especially because it is constantly changing. I look forward to the challenge of growing with punches and providing the best possible representation to all of my clients.
That said, Let’s get back to work!
Although taking time to smell the roses is beautiful, we have to keep on doing what we do to continue the journey. If you’re injured at work, it is important that you understand your rights as an injured worker before you start filling out incident reports and receiving medical attention under your employer’s insurance. My firm focuses on handling Texas Non-subscriber cases. These are cases where the company has private insurance instead of Texas Workers’ compensation insurance. After a work injury occurs, employers and their insurance representatives are trained to do what is necessary to protect the company. Their lawyers have already provided them with the training necessary to limit the exposure of the company to lawsuits. When you are facing them alone, you are climbing an uphill in the mud. Do not be taken advantage of. Get the work injury advice that you deserve.
We handle nonsubscriber cases all over the State of Texas. At Sandoval Law Firm, PLLC, we are ready to discuss your work injury case today!
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