It’s important for Amazon workers and all employees in Texas to understand their rights and the workers’ compensation system.
What are your rights in a Amazon Workers’ compensation case? How do you know your rights if they are telling you that Amazon doesn’t have workers’ compensation? Worker’s compensation cases can be complex, and there are often myths and misconceptions surrounding them. Don’t delay, do your due diligence so that you find the answers to these and more questions to come.
Here are 5 myths made to keep you from the truth about your rights in your Amazon Work Injury Case:
- YOU DON’T HAVE A CASE because Amazon is a Texas Non-subscriber employer, and they don’t have Workers’ Comp insurance!
- YOU’LL GET FIRED if you report an injury, seek medical attention, or consult a lawyer for your case!
- YOU SHOULD WAIT until your claim gets denied before you hire a lawyer.
Advocate for Yourself! Understand the Non-subscriber Work Injury Case!
After suffering an injury working at Amazon, you’re going to get bad advice from co-workers, family and friends. You need to be careful who you listen to because not everyone offering you “help” or “advice” has your best interests in mind. In fact, some advice that you will hear is 100% meant to keep you from finding out the truth about your actual rights under Texas law! Don’t sit back and try to sort through these myths by yourself! Non-subscriber cases are complicated if you don’t understand the system that they operate in.
- Investigate how Texas Non-subscriber Cases work! (Read More: Not your Typical Worker’s Compensation Cases)
- Investigate lawyers that handle Non-subscriber work injury cases!
- Take advantage of lawyers offers to provide you with a Free Consultation!
- Call us!
YOU DON’T HAVE A CASE because Amazon is a Texas Non-subscriber employer, and they don’t have Workers’ Comp insurance!
Not True! This statement is very misleading. While it’s true that Amazon does not have workers’ compensation insurance, they do have a work injury benefit plan that is supposed to provide medical and wage benefits to an injured worker. (Read More: When Can I File a Lawsuit in Texas Against a Texas Non-Subscriber Employer)
Not true! There is no law that requires you to only see the doctors that Amazon’s insurance or sends you to. This is simply a way to maintain control of doctors you see and what they diagnose you with. You can always see your own doctor when you are not getting the answers and results you want. (Read More: Is it True that I can only see my Employer’s Doctors in My Job Injury Case?)
This is not true. While reporting your injury immediately after it happens is advised, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a case if you report a short time later. Reporting requirements like a 24-hour time limit is usually part of the requirements set forth by employers in order to limit how many claims qualify for medical and wage benefits. Again, even if you report outside of the time limit, you could still have a claim. (Read More: Do I Need to Complete a Written Report to Have a Work Injury Case Against My Employer?)
YOU’LL GET FIRED if you report an injury, seek medical attention or consult a lawyer for your case!
Not True. While employers in Texas can fire you for any reason, it’s not typical for employers to fire you once you report an injury. Also, consulting a lawyer is a confidential communication that will not be disclosed to Amazon until you hire us. (Read More: Why People Are Afraid to Be Fired If They Report a Work Injury and Is it True that I will Get Fired If I Hire a Lawyer for My Work Injury Case?)
YOU SHOULD WAIT until your claim gets denied before you hire a lawyer.
Don’t Wait! Amazon will start working on defending your case almost immediately after it happens! They will take statements and use them against you later if you decide to file a lawsuit. The doctors will delay treatment and keep you from finding out the truth about how injured you really are! (Read More: There’s No Doubt, Waiting to Hire a Lawyer In Your Non-Subscriber Work Injury Case will Hurt You!)
Injured at Work?
We know we can help you!
Non-Subscriber claims in Houston, Dallas, Austin, Corpus Christi, San Antonio and The Rio Grande Valley.
Don’t Listen to all the Bad Advice in Your Amazon Work Injury Case!
Get help asap! You’ve been injured and you want to believe that the employer you’ve worked with for all these years is going to take care of you. That’s understandable but, you have to realize the insurance company is going to be making the decisions and you they’re main concern is taking care of their insured (your employer) and saving money.
Once you suffer a serious work injury, your life will never be the same. Don’t take any chances and don’t delay! The obstacles (listed below) faced by injured workers in Amazon Non-Subscriber cases are amplified when you buy into these 5 myths.
At Sandoval Law Firm, PLLC, as your attorney, I will make sure that you understand your rights and what we will do to make sure that you get fairly compensated. I will work very hard for you, and I will make sure that expectations are set from the beginning.
An attorney-client relationship is built on trust and confidence, and I take this very seriously. If you’ve been injured at work working for a non-subscriber, do your research!
Non-Subscriber Work Injury Amazon Cases
- Amazon Workers Compensation Claims
- Amazon Work Injury Lawsuits
- Top 5 Myths in Amazon Worker’s Compensation Cases
- Amazon Workers Compensation FAQs
- Amazon Warehouse Workers Vulnerable to Number of Work Injuries [Infographic]
- How Soon Do I Have to Report My Injury?
- Can Your Texas Work Injury Case Be Resolved In Less Than A Year?