What Are the Chances that my Employer Is a Texas Non-Subscriber?
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If you work for anyone outside of the state or federal government, you have about a 1 in 4 chance that you work for a Texas Non-Subscriber Employer. The industries with highest Non-Subscriber rates include healthcare, educational services, wholesale and retail, trade, transportation, arts, entertainment, accommodation and food services. If you work for the usual large grocery chains, retailers, hotels and restaurants, your employer could be a Non-Subscriber. No matter the size of company or the industry, Texas is the only state where private sector employers can step outside of Workers Compensation system for coverage and elect “Non-Subscriber” status. In 2018, the Texas Division of Workers’ Compensation estimated that the percentage of private sector employers that are Non-Subscribers rose from 22 percent to 28 percent (an estimated 105,608 private, year-round employers in 2018 were Texas Non-Subscribers).