The value of your car wreck case is dependent on the extent of your injuries. Having said that, when you’ve been in a seriously injured in a car crash, you have to show that the other driver was more at fault than you in causing the crash and that the injuries you suffered are related to the crash. Then, you need to focus on uncovering how much insurance the responsible driver has. This will give you an idea of whether there is enough insurance to cover the injuries you sustained in the car accident. If there isn’t enough insurance, you may need to file an underinsured claim with your own insurance or you may need to sue the driver and go after him directly for the damages you sustained.
As you can see, there are many factors that come into play in determining the value of your car wreck case. While you are focused on recovering from your injuries, you really need to have a lawyer on your side working on figuring out how much coverage may be available for your case and what evidence you are going to need to prove it.